Most of these steeples are from the village, except for the last three. These are from the Kiev area.
Last Saturday we went to a village where they have moved original buildings from the 1750-1900 to this area to show how the Ukrainian Villages looked from their different areas. There are some from the Central, North and Western Ukraine. Will show you the different homes from these areas. Most of these Church steeples are from this village. Each church is still functional and in fact there was a mass going on in one when we were there. But these churches are very small, no pews, and you just stand up. Don't think they really give sermons, just recite their masses, do baptisms of the infants, and light candles.This is the inside of the green steepled church. If you notice the man on the ladder he is refurbushing the pictures. If you zoom in you can see the different brightness of the pictures, so you can tell which ones he has already done.
This is an infant baptismal font fron the late 1700'S.
This is the inside of another church, you can see how small they are. That's all there is to them. Then if you look up through the tower it is all open through that area.
9 years ago
Looks like you two are having some fun adventures and seeing a lot of neat sights. Between Armenia, victory day and Ukrainian churches..... I am jealous. We may have to come for a week or two before you come home. Hmm Travel to Eastern Europe with a 9 month old......
still say the two of you appear to be on vacation. Dad always looks like he's out for a eaisuyrly, casual stroll and mom is always in a dress and coat. too funny. and i got dibs on you flying home via singapore first.
whatever they're talking about i don't care because i'm the favorite so i atamaticly get first. :D
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