Apparently there are hedgehogs that live outside the apartments in Obalone. I try not to go out late at night to see them or anything else but he is rather cute. We have not done a lot of traveling these past two weeks. A week ago Tues. we had the Branch Pres. over with his wife and daughter. They came through a blizzard like snow storm. The ground was to warm for much of the snow to stick but the lights did go out while we were eating dessert. Made for an interesting night, however we were prepared and had candles and even matches, thanks to the Lees. As you know Pres. Bush came for a visit this week. We were instructed to keep out of Central as there were a lot of protesting going on. Was told that there were lots of protestors.
One thing that I love here is all the flowers that one can buy at about any place in the area. However, as Dad found out, they are not always as cheap as we think they should be. On Women Days the flower vendors just seemed to multiple.
This is a picture of the best University in Ukraine. It is in Kiev. It cost about $10,000 per semester to go here. If you could see the cars parked in front they are like Porches, Jaguars, Mercedes B. etc, only the rich go here I am told. I sometimes wonder how the education system works because Pres. Davis said that when he talked to a man cleaning the street by his home he was told that he had been a physist. Many of the highly educated in the former system can not make a living in their profession now.
We continue with the phone calls from the missionaries. Some days it seems like dad is always on the phone and others are really quiet. We will go to Armenia on the 19th -27th of April. That should be an interesting trip. Will try to see what kind of Medical facilities they have in that area. Did visit The American Clinic here. Some family from Connecticut, that had ancestors from Russia, have established these clinics in Russia and Ukraine. They serve most of the xpats, etc. They hire Dr. that speak English to work for them. It seemed like a clean place.
On Saturday we went to another baptism. We traveled with the Elders in a taxi. The Elders who were to fill the font forgot to do so and they had to help fill the font with extra water from buckets. Oh, the life in Ukraine is interesting. Also had a desire for American food, besides Mc Donalds, so we actually went to TGIF twice last week. We took a couple of Elders once and they enjoyed that. Have also had the Elders over for a couple of dinners, they always seem to appreciate that as they tell us that they are usually short on monies. We even went to the International Branch for fast meeting last Sunday. That was good for us to do. My knee has another pain in the left side so I am walking a little slower. Dad said to tell you that he always thought he could never get tired of walking 10 miles a day but he is even having second thoughts about that. I found the Missouri Death Certificates on line from 1910-1957 so am doing a little genealogy. Hope all is going well in your homes. Think of you often, pray for you and miss you. Luv Mom and Dad, GM & GP, J&J
9 years ago
Sorry your knee is hurting. You and dad should do yoga a couple times a week. I can send you some DVDs if you want. The hedgehog is cute. What do they do? Spread disease, eat garbage? Jacob wanted to know if you lived in the castle on your blog!!
Glad to hear that things are going well for the most part. Sorry that we haven't written lately. Things have been extremely busy. School is going well, but very hectic. I keep thinking that each week will be a little less work, but it only seems to be multiplying. Anywho, we'll take some time to write you this weekend.
Cute Hedgehog!!! We got dad's letter, thanks. I got the package sent off in the mail as well, but haven't heard from Roxolana, so it will still be a few more days for you.
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