Sorry, didn't get everything posted before I had to feed the missionaries. Oh, there is another thing I use to make, meatloaf! We went to Odessa last Wednesday for a three day Senior Conference. We met all the other Senior couples serving in the Ukraine Kiev Mission. There are eight of us. One couple, the Williams, came out last week from Pingree, Idaho. They spent Tuesday night with us. He was an Idaho State Rep., just a really nice couple. Most of the other couples are having some really different experiences than we are. One couple, the Reber's are on their third mission to this area, Siberia, Georgia and Ukraine. Just some really great couples. We are now able to recruit anybody that would like to come here. We won't get any more sent until a few of us go home. So drum up some recruits for us! We got to go to the Opera while in Odessa. Got to do some shopping, they have a 7kX7k reninks, little shops with anything you could want. We only bought two bags to carry our groceries home in and a pair of tights that I want to show the girls (Angie and Marin) for the store.
Wanted to send you a picture from the opera. This shows the costumes and the great scenery. If you just click on the picture it will be larger.
Here is a building in Odessa that is really interesting!
One has to be really skinny to live in that apartment.
Oh, it is an optical illusion!
Will have to post more later. Have some more neat pictures. We are doing fine. Had a long day today, had to go to town to try to find medications, etc. Hope all are doing well. Hope to hear from you soon Luv M&D, GM-GP, J&J
9 years ago
You on a mission or a vacation?
Why are all the senior couples from IDAHO? I am glad you are having fun, I should give you my meatloaf recipe.
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