Obalone's version of Temple Square.
The Branches' Christmas play was really well done.
The Christmas Tree in McDonald's Square
So I finally have to give in and blog - my brain keeps saying no and I keep saying Janie just get busy and do it. We have finally gotten through all the holidays. Thanksgiving, Christmas, the New Year, Christmas and the Old New Year. There have just been a lot of holidays here so it seems and things have really slowed down because of them. We finally went to English the last two Thursday and have no students show up so we need to get back to work and start advertising again! There are a few things we just really need to do.
I've been trying to think of how I want to approach this New Year and what I need to change, accomplish, or resolve and sometimes I feel like Sarah and just want to get through a year - and yet I know that is not always the best approach. One thing that I know for sure is that I am the happiest when I am doing those things that bring me to a more Christ like life, obeying the commandments and serving others. So just doing those things that are basic to a more fullness and then expanding outwards are the things I will work on. Now since I can't change anything about your DAD I will also have to be more accepting of all his faults and he of mine - goodness actually I have know that for years and we still love each other!! Sometimes though I think he is getting more forgetful so I tell him to exercise that brain power and try to remember things for himself. He has been gearing up for a return to the work force and has been studying again. That maybe what he most likes to do in life because he sets his mind full bore on that accomplishment and I hear nothing out of him for hours. That brings me back to those dating days when he would forget he was to pick me up and call hours later to tell me he was studying and forgot the time!
Oh, except now he has added the ability to turn on the computer, navigate it somewhat and not let me use it! - except when he has pushed the wrong button and can't get what he wants! We both like the desk one and not the laptop since the keyboard and mouse are harder to use on the laptop.
Nothing much has changed here. We still have the missionaries over for District meeting and lunch on Thursdays. Dad has been informed that I will not necessarily continue the great meals that I have been cooking here at home, but on the other hand maybe I could only if--- how did Chris put that?
We have been fine with the heat here - we have not frozen as we have a few electric heaters spead around the apartment. It has been cold outside at time, the river is frozen and it has been fun this year to see the children out - they are pulled all over on the sleds. Just a cute young boy I saw while walking the river.
Was wondering if Kevin would like to go fishing?
A grandfather pulling the sled. This year there is snow so the sleds are out with all ages of children on them. I think it is a great way to get around in the UK.
We wish those who have birthdays the end of the month to have great ones.
Amanda, Jan. 18, to have the biggest one ever because this will be the last one she has without kids and once you add a child to your life nothing is ever the same again. You will soon find this out - but it is a good change and one that expands your love and understanding of life!
Alyssa, Jan 28th,and Kaylee , Jan 20th, are going to celebrate their eighth birthday. Hope you both have a big party because this is such a special one. We are excited that you both have decided to be baptized the first of February. What a great event that will happen in your lives- baptism. Sorry we will not be there but we know you both know that we love you and will be thinking about you and that you will have lots of other family members there to support you. Have a great day. Hope I have not missed any others BD. Here are your parents walking among all those fur coats - as Pres. said these people know the purpose of furs!
We also passed our year mark on the 7th. We are looking forward to seeing all of you again. The time is passing fairly rapid - school will be out soon and we will be home. We love you all. M&D, GM&GP, J&J
9 years ago