Was planning on calling everyone but just went to the laptop and it seems totally down. Won't even turn on. The lights were flickering earlier but did not know if it affected the laptop. If any one knows what to do email us. Luv MOM
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas to All
It is the night before Christmas -- at least it is for us Americans who are in Ukraine. The Ukrainian Christmas is not till 7 January so we are in for a long 3 weeks of lots of time off, holidays and drinking. We will have the Elders in our District over tomorrow for the customary soups, games and maybe a film - or that may not be until New Year Day activities. Most of the snow has melted but some areas are still very slick and Dad slips and slides his way along. We have two couples coming up to watch the Christmas Special from a couple of years ago. Have the Wassail ready but that oven is giving me trouble again and the cake has been cooking for over an hour!
We are doing good. Keeping busy this week - helped out in the office on Monday and had Zone Conference yesterday so I actually was a little lazy today and did not give up at 6:30 like I did the first two days to get everything done. Friday we will travel to center again and maybe try to do a little post Christmas shopping - do you think they have such here. Did hear that the Spuss did have a sale after Christmas just don't know which Christmas.
I have learned a few more things here in Ukraine. Found out that beans can harbor bugs. Went to get out some white beans we had bought about a month ago and there were bugs in the sack with holes in the beans. I have kept beans in the panty for years at home and that never happened. So went to the internet and googled bugs in beans and sure enough it does happen. Usually found in old beans. Now my questions if that is an indication of old beans and the bugs come out when they hatch were they not in there to begin with? So do we eat them as larva - if I think to long on that I may never eat anything again. Also found bugs in the carrots. I thought those little holes were from maybe sticks that get stuck when harvested only to find a moving thing onse. Maybe it is best to use pesticides. Any way there are bugs abounding. We are doing good - will try to call everyone sometime on Christmas or the next day. Luv to all M&D, GM & GP, J&J
Posted by J and J at 9:19 AM 0 comments
Friday, December 12, 2008
Baby It's Cold Inside!1
The hot water has been turned off again in our apartment for the last 4 days. It is do to the "crisis" we are told. Even the PM here said she was without hot water! As we had our friends up when we heard this on the news they were all laughing and said that she "lied". They would not dare turn off any of the hot water in the Center area where all the politicians live and where the businesses are. However the hot water also controls the heat in the apartments and it is colder in here than it was last winter and the registers are cooler so they somehow must also control the heat by how hot the water is that flows through the pipes. We were to go downstairs last night to play games and about 20 minutes before we were to go down we had a knock on the door and it was them. They said it was to cold in their apartment so they came up - they live on the ground floor so it is colder. We fortunately have two units that are either heaters or air conditioners so we turn them on and in Sept. we bought a small space heater that can warm the place up. I just wonder how the children and the "older" citizens survive! They also said all the bills aren't getting paid so they will just give less money to the pensioners to pay the water bills. Oh, well life in Ukraine as usual.
We had a good trip to Bulgaria. For the most part the area was about the same. It did have mountains around the city as we flew in and Dad thought it reminded him of home. The streets are narrower and the buildiings not as tall and not as many but the litter is still there, the old paved streets, lots of cracks in the sidewalks and buildings with no outward care. We did enjoy the few days we were there. Stayed in a really nice hotel and actually had some KFC and even a Buger King hamburger.
We will not be traveling much the rest of the time here as we have been to all the countries except the Baltics. We continue with English and a few calls from the missionaries. Had a broken finger and foot, 2 different people, this week. Not much else. Which is good.
Hope things are going good at home. we know that there are a few trials but just rely on the Lord. We do love you all. May this Holiday be full of fun family times. Luv M&D
Posted by J and J at 10:20 PM 3 comments
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Christmas in Ukraine
Just a quick note to show you that we are ready for Christmas here in Ukraine. The ornaments are the ones the grandchildren will get for their next year's ornaments. Will be gone for the next 4 days so have a great weekend. PS. The tree is only about 3 ft. tall just wanted you to think it is big. Luv MOM
Posted by J and J at 8:07 AM 1 comments
Monday, December 1, 2008
Leaving Again - This time to Bulgaria!
This is the latest picture of your Mother and Dad having dinner with the RS General Board Member and the Primary Pres. They were touring the Ukraine Mission.
This is our District after the Thanksgiving meal. Forgot to take one before the meal. Elders Rupp, Hamilton, Trasdahl and Wahl. It was great to fix a meal for them since no family showed up for the day. One IOP teacher's mother and sister surprised her!!!
We are doing good. Hope this month is a White December for our Mission!! Remember the real purpose of this month and share what you have as much as you can. Teach the kids it is a great time to do service for others.
We will be going to Bulgaria on Friday to renew our Visa. A requirement that we have to do every year. So you can tell we are coming up on the year anniversary - 7 Jan. 2009!! Will stay a few extra days to give a presentation - that area is also in our assigned mission coverage. For the most part the mission has been relatively healthy. The missionaries must be following the rules - OBEDIENCE- does bring results and blessings. May you all find joy in this season - our tree is up. The lights have already burned out after one day!! Oh, as the saying goes - only in Ukraine. But it is up - hope your greatest desires come true as you remain valiant in your doings. Luv M&D, GM&GP
Posted by J and J at 5:08 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Thinking of Thanksgiving!
Dear Family,
During 1941, a notice in the newspaper notified all the Jews in the Kiev area to report here, bringing with them all of their possessions. They incorrectly thought they were being sent back to Israel or a gehtto. Instead they were executed, told to go to the ravine and then shot. There are reports of 33,000 (documented) - 100,000 killed, according to inscription on base of monument. Then the bodies were covered with dirt and another group was executed on top. This was during the Stalin reign in Russia. What a great tragedy in the history of Ukraine!
"All [Jews] living in the city of Kiev and its vicinity are to report by 8 o'clock on the morning of Monday, September 29th, 1941, at the corner of Melnikovsky and Dokhturov Streets (near the cemetery). They are to take with them documents, money, valuables, as well as warm clothes, underwear, etc. Any [Jew] not carrying out this instruction and who is found elsewhere will be shot. Any civilian entering flats evacuated by [Jews] and stealing property will be shot." Copy of newspaper article and posters. This was supposedly in retaliation for some bombings that occured in Kiev after the Germans came in and the Russians had fled.
The monument errected to the memory of those that died.
This man came up to me while I was standing at the monument and told me that his grandfather had lost his life here.
We visited this area a couple of weeks ago - but wanted to share how careful of our freedoms and blessed our country has been so far. We need to willingly continue protecting those freedoms with which we have been blessed.
At this time of year our thoughts go to pondering about all of our blessings. So here goes the top 10 things we are thankful for:
10.Opportunities that we have in America
9.Freedoms that we enjoy in America - especially religious
8.Our ancestors that have dealt with things we will never haft to face because of their willingness to go before
7.This beautiful land/earth that we are blessed with
6.Everyone's good health - now stay that way
5.The increase faith and blessings that come by living and following the commandments
4.All of my extended family-including the 24 grandchildren, that they have blessed our lives with
3.All of our children - even the trials they gave us, notice I did not say give, they are now yours, we can only spoil them :)
2.Each other
1.Heavenly Father and His Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ
We will have Thanksgiving dinner here for our District and then go to Center for a evening with the Senior Couples. I need to make pumpkin pies so I guess I had better cut up this pumpkin and make the base for them. Oh, that was so long ago when I did things like that!
We did go to Odessa this past week. Rode the train down - interesting night of sleep. It was really a rough, swaying ride and we must have stopped at about 5 train stations during the trip. We survived which was the most important thing. Got in about 6:30 and went to the Church to hang out for Zone Conference to begin. Gave our presentations and that evening met with a Doctor, church member, and wife who had helped us make appointments to look at medical facilities the next day. They were a great couple , he was baptized during the first year of the church here.
The next day we went surveying medical and dental facilities. Found some good ones. That evening we had supper with Pres. and Sister Piper, Area Pres, Sister Lant and Sister Thompson who both had been in Ukraine to help with training of the local auxillaries. We had met them last week when they gave a fireside in Kiev but we enjoyed talking with them again.
We returned Saturday evening. Church on Sunday and this last evening the couple from downstairs were to come up for FHE with the missionaries. Unfortunately the husband had to work late and did not get here until the missionaries had to leave. We still watched Finding Happiness and had a small discussion. They are really good about reading the Bible and have a good basis. I don't know what will eventually happen but we are to play games at their home Friday night and go bowling on Saturday with them, oh, those bones, those aching bones.
Tonight we will teach English, tomorrow is a farewell supper for Sister Lee, Thurs. English again, Friday game night, Sat. bowling and RS VT meeting. Think that about does it for this week and then next week is Thanksgiving week! We do fit some medical help in there as it is needed. May you all have a great week is our prayer. Miss you all. Luv. M&D, GM&GP, J&J
Posted by J and J at 1:44 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Traveling Again!
Our week was again a very quiet one. District Meeting, lunch with the missionaries, teaching our two nights of English conversations, taking our neighbors to Fridays and then to a baptism on Saturday night. Oh, and on Wednesday we had zone conference where we gave our power point presentations and at the end receiving word that mother had passed away. We were saddened about that news but so thankful that she did not have to suffer long - she had already lost so much of her ability to remeber and function physically that it was good that she went rapidily in the end. As Jan and I were talking I think the hard thing to realize is that we are now our mother's age and we are getting closer to the end than the beginning. The facing of mortality on this Earth becomes more real. I appreciated the poem Sarah posted on the Lackey Legand. This is but a short time here and we have the eternities to learn more and to interact with others. Life is good.
We are traveling to Odessa on an over night train - will see how well we can sleep on it. John has really not wanted to experience this but the Pres. is going down and we are going with them. Will fly back Saturday evening. Going to check out some clinics.
Hope all is going well at home. We do love you all. Take care. Luv Mom and Dad
Posted by J and J at 12:38 AM 2 comments
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Oct. Activities
I know - as a mother I am suppose to write every week - and I have really good intentions but alas at times I fail. We have not been very exciting lately but we are plugging along. We have been fielding the medical calls from Russia for the last six weeks but have found that not to add a lot of time to our medical calls. That must mean that the missionaries are staying healthy. Don't think we sent any to a medical clinic during Sept and Oct. which I think must be a first for us - that was at least here in Kiev. Have not had any sick enought to go home since the first of August - think that is a great blessing!
Just a short recap of the past three weeks. We had a good Senior Conference where we discussed some changes, ideas and problems. All in all a good time for all. We had three new senior couples there. We did do a half day of sight seeing around Kiev and saw some places we had not had the opportunity to go before. Went to Valdimir's statue which is also the place where Elder Packer dedicated the land in 1991. One night we also went to the Opera House where we saw the ballet "The Wedding of Figaro". Surprisingly we both enjoyed it very much - as we have not gone to the ballet very much in our lives, we also thought the performers were very good.
On Saturday evening we had the young couple from downstairs up for dinner. Natasha was here and they asked if they could go to church with us, not tomorrow but the following Sunday. We told them it was Stake Conference then but would be glad to take them the following Sunday, yesterday. We also watched August Rush with them which they enjoyed very much. They are a really nice couple, have been married just over a year, no children, both working.
We taught English lessons these past two weeks. Having some success in getting a few investigators from those attending. There is a young man, Eugene, who has been attending some that asked the missionaries for discussions on his own. He is getting married this week so haven't seen him much at class but he has been meeting with the missionaries. We hope there was something we "said" that helped him be interested. Last Saturday evening we had another class member over for supper with her husband and daughter. (Sister Lee and Natasha were also her.) They are both doctors but work in the pharmacuetical field. Dad in the past always ask if there are any special food habits, this time he failed to do that as Natahsa was doing the talking. So when it came time to eat they took salad and that was all. Come to find out they are all vegetarians. However, I had a great dish of steamed vegetables and they did not even eat that. Now they did eat the dessert, one of BC cake mixes and ice cream. Natasha thinks some of their eating habits may be a religious issue. So if they would be interested in the gospel is a wait to see thing. Dad thinks maybe - he liked the husband as he is a mountain biker!
We had District meeting here the past two weeks. Lots of changes in the District. Elder Jacobs went home this past week - well actually his parents came to pick him up and we had supper with them this past Wednesday night. They are still in the area but will leave this week. He is a great young man and always worked hard as a missionary. He was the zone leader along with Elder Higgins. Since Elder Jacobs was leaving we thought Elder Higgins would be left but we got "white washed" again. Elder Higgins was made AP. Elder Imangazi who has been with us since he arrived on his mission in March also left. He was sent out West. He was the 18yo that got to come on his mission early and he is a supper missionary. Has already been a trainer for two transfers and got sent out as a trainer again much to his displeasure. Think he had 3-4 baptisms in the last area and left with three to be baptized this Saturday. Since his is "native" I think he had a good understanding of the people, and they like him, and he doesn't have that language barrier.
Now, to finish the rest of the story about the young couple wanting to attend church with us. We stopped by last Thursday to see if they still wanted to go and they responded yes. So we told them we would pick them up at 10:30 on Sunday. Sunday I went down around 10:30 and they were waiting outside their apartment ready to go. I had not told them it would be a three hour meeting but they stayed for the whole time with us. It was Fast and Testimony meeting and with no microphone. The other lessons were on chasity and families. On the way home they were talking in "Russian" but later they told us that they were glad they had gone and the lessons had made them "happy" as they were about families. So tonight they are going to come up again and we will have a English song "I am a Child of God". They both love to sing and have a Karoke machine in their home. They want to learn more English but also wants us to read Bible /BOM with them. Dad is also going to give a short lesson. We told them about Family Night and they liked that concept. Pray for them. Somehow we need to make the transition from only us to the missionaries, as we are inadequate to teach them.
Pray all is going well at home. Now there is alot of uncertainity in the nation but things can still be good within the home. Make yours a place where the children can feel love, peace and security. Love your spouses, show them love, and tell them you love them at least 5 times per day. (acts of love,service, displays of affection, and verbal affection to each member of the family 5x.day makes for a loving family). Make yours one! Luv u all! M&D, GM&GP, J&J
Posted by J and J at 10:44 PM 2 comments
Monday, October 13, 2008
Week of Sr. Conference

Now as for the picture of last week. Everywhere we go Dad finds it interesting that he never ever sees any bathroom facilities or gets told about any. So at this castle as we stood in this small area under these chutes we were told that this is the area that collected all the refuse from the toilets and if we looked up we could see the toilets. They had open bottoms in them and everything fell out to the yard below. Then she said that the one was a double decker and you had to watch out if you were on the bottom. Dad was impressed that he got an answer without asking the "dumb question."
This week is Sr. Conference Week and this time it is in Kiev. We will have the Williams stay with us for the next four nights which we are excited to have them. They are from Penigree and a really nice couple. We will be doing some site seeing and then have meetings and activities. There will be 10 couples, we have three new ones as of this month. Supposedly two more are coming but the Andersons will go home in Oct. and the Lees in Dec.. I have been trying to bake cookies for dessert one evening but that is always interesting to say the least. My oven has this idea that if it is getting to hot it just turns off the flame to control the temperature. And then it just cools off and does not relite itself - so sometimes I am not mindful of the fire and the cookies just don't get done at the designated time. Oh, well it's Ukraine!
These last pictures are the evolution of a flower bed during the growing season in Ukraine. They have replanted this same flower bed about four times . Spring tulips, early summer blue flower, hot summer just a few flowers as they wait for the heat to pass - early fall salvisa, etc. I thought this was pretty all year and they took a lot of care with the flowers.

We heard that most of you have already had the first snow of the season and it is not even Halloween yet. Actually I can remember getting snow one year about 29 Sept. but they did not report that being the earliest snow. Hope that is not an indication of how the winter will be in the city - mountains fine. We are trying to keep busy - at least we are still plugging along. Hope all is going well for all of you. The most important thing is for there to be love in each of your families, for your spouses and your children. Tell them that you love them. HF loves them. And their GP love them. Luv, M&D, GM&GP, J&J
Posted by J and J at 11:31 PM 5 comments
Monday, October 6, 2008
Half Way To Home!!
View of the "Germanius Statue" to remember those who fought in the French-German Wars.
This is an overview of what the total castle looks like today.
These are pictures (mock up) of how it would look in the days of glory.
Today marks our half way of the mission. I am so excited to think that we are that much closer to being with you all. We have had a rather slow week since returning from Germany. The Germany trip was great. Germany was very clean , pretty scenery and well kept place. We liked it a lot. We spent two half days in meetings. It was good to meet other Area Medical Advisors and to learn of what types problems they are facing, etc. They and we think our situation is some what unique in that the medical service here is questionable and theirs is all in place. The second afternoon we went to a small town, took a tram up the hill side to view the statue that marks the area that Germany and France fought over, along the Rhine. Saw a couple of castles from the outside and took a ferry ride up the Rhine. The trees are just beginning to change and the scenery was great. On Saturday a Sr. Sister getting ready to go home the next week took us to Hiddleburg where we toured this castle - it was built in the 1400's and used until 1726. Was not what I thought of as a typical castle but then what would I know. I would have been the poor serf helping the owner anyway.
The question this week is what it this in the castle?
We got back late Saturday night but got up to go to Church and then had a rather slow week. Did teach English our two nights and had the missionaries in for District and lunch. We have two new Sr. couples come this week so Saturday night went to town to have lunch with them. We listened to most of conference on the internet. It was great! I sometimes wonder as first generation members of the church if I did enough to strengthen all of you testimonies in the gospel. Hope you are all doing better with your children. I would reinforce how much they are loved, how to listen to the spirit and that we need to enjoy the time that we have together. This week we will just be doing the same. We have taken on the calls from Russia but haven't seen a lot of extra calls so far. Maybe the MPW are just doing it on their own. Next week we will be down in center for Sr. Conference. The Williams are coming in to stay with us - we always enjoy their visits. Another Sr. couple will be coming and we will have training and site seeing time.
Do have to tell you about this experience that we had on Friday. For some reason Dad has been wanting to go to the Pechersk Monastery which are underground caves dug by the monks and used as cells where they lived about 1051. Later these cells served as burial of the Lavra hermits. Today the mummified bodies of monks now wrapped in cloth and adorned can be viewed in these caves and supposedly as you pray, kiss or touch these coffins you will receive blessings. There were lots of people on this tour. As we were the only English speaking - or more appropriately phased the non-understanding Russian/Ukraine Natasha went along with us. We had entered above in a church where we viewed a large mural of a soul going through 40 phases of getting out of purgatory. That is why they pay money and pray for the dead. We were also given a "sanctified" candle that we were to lite and carry with us through these caves. We were just entering the first gate that a priest had opened for us. As I was holding this candle and the lady standing in front of me was fairly close the thought went through my mind. I had better be careful or I could catch her scarf (we all had to wear head coverings) on fire. I was going to tell that to Dad who was behind me when the tour guide comes back our way to check on the gate. As she passes I turn some to allow her to pass and then I hear "its on fire" and they start pounding on my back. Dad said "I didn't do that" and the guide who is pounding on my back states "I don't have a candle". I am thinking I shoud scream "I'm on fire" but then I see the priest and remember that we were told to talk quietly. So as Natasha is almost rolling with laughter on the floor I survey the damage. They tell me that there was a two foot long steak of fire going up the scarf - some of the fringe is melted off and there is a melted spot on the hood of my coat. Dad states that he thought the room was lighting up and he was seeing a "miracle". Calmly we just continue on our trip through the caves wondering why anyone would want to live in a cell where food and water is passed through a small window and you pray in seclusion all day. The booklet we bought said that they "devoted their ascetic life to praying and resignation." In those conditions I would be resigned also! We could take no pictures inside so can not show what it was like - you'll have to look at our booklet. We still get quite a laugh out of this experience.
We also got to go to the Frankfurt Temple while we were in Germany which was good to do. We pray that you are all doing well. Keeping in touch with each other and are enjoying your time here each day on this beautiful earth. Luv, M&D, GM&GP, J&J
Posted by J and J at 10:10 PM 6 comments
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Ready To Leave Again
Dear Family and Friends,
Just for those who took a guess. It is a ping pong table that one can use year round. Just need to supply the net, paddles and ball and you are ready to play. We think this is their version of tennis as we have not seen a tennis court here. Also, Brett would not survive here as we have not seen a golf course either. Maybe that could be a venture but probably only those in black clothing could afford it.
We went to L'viv last week and Sister Williams was there. If I had to walk with her my whole mission I would probably loose more weight. Her husband has had to take in his belt two times. Dad is to easy on me but I think he worries about my knees. It has rained solid here for the last week. It just does not rain for a couple of hours, there is a constant drizzle even if it is not raining hard. The soil is so saturated that there are inches sitting around every where in puddles. Dad says he will take a picture of the sun when it finally comes out - now, some have said that may be next year. Those drab, dreary days may have come sooner than we had planned. There had already been flooding in the West two weeks ago and over 200,000 people had been displaced from their homes. The water was higher than their heads. The last major flooding in that area was in the 1960's. Many of the homes are made out of mud and straw so they just disolved where ever the water touched. The church gave each of the cities over $50,000 but it was only to help the elderly through the Red Cross. The government also gave money to the people but they don't know how it will help as they have no help to rebuild thir homes. No construction people in their areas and they are to old to do it themselves. Elder Hinkle said it was the saddest sight he had ever seen. He went once and came back two weeks later and the elderly were just sitting in their yards crying. Not knowing what to do. It is cold here and fortunately we have an air conditioner/heater system as the heat does not usually get turned back on until 15 October. Natasha heard last night on the news that this year it will come on 1 Oct because of the temperature and the flu they are expecting from Russia. To many older people sitting around in these apartments with no heat - just to dangerous. We went out to buy a little space heater for our apartment but we wanted it to help dry our clothes. They dry out on the balcony but in the summer they dried in hours and they were still wet last night. So we just closed all the windows and hope that will help get the job done faster. When we came home from L'viv we saw two accidents, one a head on and the other a single car, both of them were upside down. People traveling to fast for the road conditions and probably drunk. We leave again in the morning for Frankfurt, hopefully that will be a fun trip and we have planned one day for sight seeing and another to go to the temple.
The political situation here is becoming interesting and somewhat unstable. The PM went to Russia and came back on the side of Putin. She had joined a Coalition with the Pres. and they won the election as not pro-Russian. Now there are plans to break up the coalition but the PM does not think a new election would benefit the country. Natasha thinks she is afraid that she would be thrown out. Will have to wait to see what happens. It is amazing that they just seem to have elections here whenever there is a change of position but maybe they are recall elections and I just don't understand everything.
We will leave in the morning aroud 6:00 will be back late Saturday night. Hope all the children are doing well, give them hugs and kisses from us. We miss you all. Luv M&D, GMGP, J&J.
Posted by J and J at 10:57 AM 2 comments
Monday, September 15, 2008
Just for the Men In My Life!!!!!!!!
One of these days I may write something really important on this blog that deserves another answer. That way I can tell who is actually reading it and paying attention to their mother and her concerns about life. Even though the men never respond she still loves you. MOM
Posted by J and J at 10:41 PM 2 comments
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Going out West
The question of the day is what is this item that is found scattered around the Ukrainian land? Please give me your reply and then I will tell who is correct.
We will be leaving again, Tuesday to travel to the western side of the Kiev mission. We will have a driver taking us to several cities and then on Friday we will meet up with the President and his wife and travel the next three days with them. Will go to church there next Sunday and then be back home for three nights. Then the 24th of September we will fly to Frankfurt Germany for a 2 day Medical Meeting and then 2 days of touring. Will be at the Temple on Friday. So may not be close to an internet connection a lot of time that we are gone, will try to check occassionally in case someone needs to get in touch with us. So be patient with us.
This week was again a rather quiet week. Taught English 2x, had district meeting at our home on Thursday, with the Pres. and his driver so had a couple of extras for our lunch. Made one of those box cakes, which Dad thought was delightful and even had American Ranch dressing with our salad which everyone thought was great. So thanks Christian for the package. Will enjoy those things that we received but told Dad no more as they cost so much to send. We had an Ukrainian Mom and daughter over for supper and FHE on Monday and just spent 3 hours with a young couple from the first floor of our building. They played Sequence with us and had dessert. They are like Daniel's age and have no children. They are really nice and we met them while they were out painting the side of the building to cover up the grafiti and removed all the glued papers on the side of the building. They said we can come to their place when we get back from traveling.
Oh, a highlight of the week is that on Wednesday we went with a fellow branch member and went to the celo to interview Bro. Gregory, the 96yo member that was baptised last February. He is still kicking and was so excited that we would come to visit him. Is planning to come in to Kiev next month as it starts to get colder.
I quess that Joshua will come on Kevin's birthday as I have not heard that he is here yet. So Happy Birthday Kevin and Joshua. Hope your entry into the world was as exciting as everyone are to have you here. And Kevin your present will be a welcomed addition to your and our family. I also like the selection of the name and the tradition that it represents.
This picture is for Johnnie He can ask his friend but I do believe this is a picture of Sister Ravsten. We met her at a baptism and have talked to her a few times on the phone. She is down in the Odeassa area so don't see her that much. That is about 4-5 hours from us by bus.
We are both doing fine. The weather is cooler and we are having to wear our rain coats. We are trying to have more Russian lessons and beginning to say more words, now understanding them is a different matter. Sounds like John and family traveled to China. Dad wanted me to make sure that you know to stay away from the Chineese weight loss products as they have caused renal failure requiring dialysis because of the Aristolochic acid found in them!
We hope and pray that you are all doing well, teaching your children to love the Lord and showing them love yourselves. Hope Tayte is recovering from his broken wrist, Paige is not eating to much glue, and school is great fun for all. We love you, Luv M&D, GM&GP, J&J This is a picture of a stork' nest. They are found in western Ukraine so hope to see more this week as we travel and hopefully will see a stork. They are migratory and will soon head to Egypt and Africa for the winter. They are not eaten here and are "honored" as they bring the babies. Would like to get a picture of some.
This is a picture of Bro. Gregory. He has lost some weight over the summer. Most of the time he has been caring for himself. His daughter-in-law came last week to help him some.
Posted by J and J at 12:00 PM 5 comments
Monday, September 1, 2008
Independence Day Flowers
This is a picture of Independece Square. It is were the Orange Revolution took place in 1991. Today they are still worried that they could loose this freedom that they have waited so long for.
This is the crowds that we encountered as we tried to go back to visit the flower arrangements last Monday, a holiday for Independence Day as it fell on Sunday.
This is a picture overlooking the left bank.
Wanted to show the difference between the pictures we took at night versus the ones that were taken in daylight. We thought they were both beautiful.
Posted by J and J at 1:57 AM 1 comments
Ukraine School 2008
We had heard that the first day of school was quite an event here in Ukraine so we ventured out this morning and followed the children to a nearby school. It was a very colorful event for many families, young to old. The uniform that Tanner had to wear (and we thought he was very handsome)was nothing like the suits these young men all had on. The girls were all dressed in black outfits, white stockings and big (the bigger the better) bows in their hair. We understand that when they graduate years later they again wear a similar outfit. Did see one last May so will see if can get that picture off of Dad's cell phone. There were flowers for all the teachers. By the time one teacher receives all of her flowers she must feel like should could open a flower shop. Hope you enjoy the pictures. Trying to figure out how to make a collage like I have seen others do - any instructions would be appreciated. Luv MOM
Posted by J and J at 1:03 AM 0 comments
Friday, August 29, 2008
I Know, We are Here!
See we are really here. I know that I should post more often and will try to do so - some times the thought of sitting down and typing just becomes over whelming, but will try to do better. Several have reported this as a boring blog since we never post, so I will try to keep it updated! As you know we spent nine days in the Donetsk Mission area visiting medical clinics and presenting power points in Zone Conferences. We stayed with the MP and his wife, Pres. and Sister Fry from St. George. We are impressed with all the MPs we have met. They are dedicated, inspirational and sacrificing alot to serve the Lord. They really care about the missionaries and the people of these countries. We saw a brand new medical clinic in Donetsk that was exciting to see as usually on the outside the places look like they are falling apart and they are. It is dismal at times to see all the falling apart buildings. Looks like no one takes care of the outsides, and apparently they don't as the government owns the buildings and they are given an apartment or rent an office space from the goverment clinic for their space. Inside some are nice and most have very modern medical equipment.
In the Donetsk we had an interpreter (think I need one that spells) take us to several cities in a hired taxi. Donetsk is a coal mining region so there is lots more pollution in that area of Ukraine, also more factories. Between clinic visits we had time to run to this park which is full of iron rod sculptures. It was very interesting. Will show more of the work when we get home. Also saw a reproduction of a cannon that sets in Russia's Red Square. Don't know how the ever expected to load and fire this thing. Maybe the size alone was enough to scare people.
I believe in 2010 the Euro Cup will be held in Ukraine, in several different large cities. Here is a picture of one of the new football/soccer for us Am./ stadiums that is being built in Donetsk.
Tonya our guide stated that this was just being started when she left for her mission 18 months ago. Progress is being made and they can finish a project in less than 5 years if they really want to. When the people go pass the temple site they are always amazed at how fast it is going up. They are also impressed that who they consider one of the premier constuction companies out of Austria is building it. They figure it must be something important if that company is doing the construction - oh, if they only knew! This picture of the temple site was taken in June. Have been told that there are now three stories up. We hope to go there in a couple of weeks for a baptism, so will see the progress then.
Just a little to let you know about other things we have been doing. We continue to answer telephone calls for the missionaries' illness. This month we had to send two home with back problems, herinated disc. And you could tell why if you had to travel in a minibus with no shocks while trying to miss the pot holes. Now we have reports that there are rabid bats in the Donetsk area, three reports of bites last week. Rabies serum here is not adequate to use. Mainly we deal with alot of the old N/V and diarrhea complaints.
We have been told that at the present time they have no replacement for Dr. Mc Cune who is over the Russia area, so coming the middle of Sept. we will be fielding telephone calls from there. Maybe with the current situation there, no new missionaries from outside of Russia, they are thinking that the numbers will dwindle and we can handle it all. The reason we are here was to help with the calls in this vast area. The last of foreign missionaries left the MTC for there sometime in June. The reason is that Russia is requiring all foreigners to leave Russia every three months to renew their Visas. This is at a great expense, $400 for a Visa renewal plus the cost of travel and lodging, if they can not stay with other missionaries, so mainly travel. They think that from approx. 700 missionaries in the country they may have only 200 in 2100 if the policies don't change. However, we know that the Lord can have a hand in this if necessary. This may also be a time that the members in Russia will have to step up and do more member missionary work. The Lord does allow for people to use their agency. Ukraine is very nervous about the Russia/Georgia situation we are told. All the missionaries that were in Georgia are now in Armenia. Don't know when they will be able to go back. If anything serious happens here we will be taken care of.
We got home last Saturday and immediately went to the Lee's for a Senior night out. The Reber's, from St. George, were also here along with their daughter and son-in-law, as they went home this past week. This was also Independence week end for Ukraine. By Big Mama, I sent her picture before, they make flower sculptures so we decided to go visit them on our way home, about 9:00 at night. Charlene tells us that it is interesting to watch this process. This starts about about a week before the event. They start digging up large areas of grass and replace it with flowers and more grass. They are then all torn down after about a week and grass is replanted. We went when it was dark and several of these were lit up, they were fabulous. Like a rose parade without the floats. The colors were outstanding and just really nice. Went back on Monday around 4:00 because we wanted to see the difference in the lighting. Boy, that was a mistake. The walk ways were wall to wall people trying to go down and up in a small area with no directions. And to top it all off there were also a few cars trying to get down the walkways as vendors were on both sides. Not a smart move, took us almost an hour to get down there and then could not really see and we had to be back at a dinner by 6:00. So basically went down and came right back. Did get a few pictures but will have to show them later as I forgot to download them before I started blogging. The swans are out of white chrysantheums (sp).
Tuesday and Thursday evenings we are teaching English classes which we really enjoy. Not so much because we are great teachers but because we get to interact with the local people and they love to talk English with us. (Even if I have an accent.) Hopefully we will get some investigators out of this. It is a great finding tool, so pray for our success. We also get to put fliers out, which we did for about 2 hours this week. We tape them on the buildings and on the bullentin boards. I enjoy doing this, next time you go by it is fun to see if they are still there and how many tear offs are gone.
Monday we had to go to the store as we had to take a salad for the dinner that night. We wanted to make a cabbage salad and there were no good ones to be found in the store nearest us. So we started to the renick near by and dad went in while I waited outside. A half hour later I decide I had better head home as he did not show up. Half way home he comes walking towards me. Couldn't find me when he came out and thought I had probably walked home thinking he would catch up with me. Don't know why he thought that as I had no keys and also no phone. Will always try to remember to take that for occassions like this.
We have decided to have district meeting in our home when we are here. That way right after the meeting we can have lunch with the District and they don't have to make another trip back for a night dinner. We have a Elder Higgins that is in our district that lives in Riverton, right next to the high school he tells us. We had a big spaghetti dinner this week. I enjoy them coming and it is nice having a mid afternoon meal that is always appreciated. We continue with bi-weekly Russian lessons. Dad is getting where he can understand quite a bit, me it stills sounds like all the words run together.
We are amazed at how fast it is now getting dark. In a week we have lost over 30 minutes of light. They said soon it will be getting dark here by 4:00. The leaves are also starting to fall off and for them fall starts here the first of September.
Today we will be going down to the Metro area to do contacting with the members. Have not done this previously so want to see how it goes. We have also been invited to attend an Area Medical meeting in Germany the last of Sept. but still waiting to see if the Area will pay for the cost. Right now our plans are to travel around the Kiev Mission to find medical facilities in the outside cities.
Have tried to talk to most of you sometime this week. Hope all is going well in your families. John is moving again! Ivana will be having a new boy soon. Julie and Mom are back in MO. School has started for the little ones. Life continues to go on without us but we love you all and miss you tons. Give hugs and love to all. Luv M&D, GM&GP, J&J
Posted by J and J at 9:41 PM 1 comments