I know that it has been quite a while since I last posted. It has been an emotional last few weeks trying to decide what was happening in our lives. We are excited to come home and see our family that is for sure - hope you are just as excited for us to come home. Since we are down to the last couple of weeks - I wanted to go out and finish some shopping we had started. The souveniors for boys are somewhat limited - for girls that is a whole new story and now Dad thinks we are going to have to buy a new suitcase to get every thing home. I tell him to have faith we can do it - will just give away a few of the clothes I am tired of or that have turned a different color and we shall be fine.
Natasha and I decided to go out without the man! Haven't done that the whole time we have been here. It was sprinkling when we left and by the time we got home we were cold. A little while later we looked outside and it was snowing - did stick for the night but was gone by early morning. We also did a little sightseeing as Natasha wanted to show me her favorite spot in Kiev.
While walking on the normal Kiev street and through the malls I always wonder how people afford what's for sale. The fur shop had a coat (I only looked throught the window) for 35000+ grievna which translates into $4000+ which is not probably a bad price but when the average salary is less than $1000/month then you wonder how. a basic skirt can easily be over $100. There has to be some people making almost nothing! So Natahsa toook me down the above street which she states "these shops are so pricey that they don't even put the prices on". In other words prices don't matter just bring it on. Now then my question is what do these people do to make that kind of money - not Drs. who only make $500/month and take donations or tips to supplement their incomes. Afraid my up bringing comes to mind and I have finally realized there is more to life than having more than 3 pairs of shoes and ten dresses in the closet. Just how much can one wear in a week?
As we were walking around town also met two delightful men that I wanted to show you. The first was for a cup of tea, only fruit of course and the second I had a quiet conversation while resting on the bench. Lots of excitement on our trip.
So as of now we will be home on 3 March, in Pocatello at 9:57. Will see you soon. Luv M&D, J&J
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Shopping for Souvenirs!!
Posted by J and J at 10:02 AM 5 comments
Friday, January 16, 2009
It's About Time!!
Obalone's version of Temple Square.
The Branches' Christmas play was really well done.
The Christmas Tree in McDonald's Square
So I finally have to give in and blog - my brain keeps saying no and I keep saying Janie just get busy and do it. We have finally gotten through all the holidays. Thanksgiving, Christmas, the New Year, Christmas and the Old New Year. There have just been a lot of holidays here so it seems and things have really slowed down because of them. We finally went to English the last two Thursday and have no students show up so we need to get back to work and start advertising again! There are a few things we just really need to do.
I've been trying to think of how I want to approach this New Year and what I need to change, accomplish, or resolve and sometimes I feel like Sarah and just want to get through a year - and yet I know that is not always the best approach. One thing that I know for sure is that I am the happiest when I am doing those things that bring me to a more Christ like life, obeying the commandments and serving others. So just doing those things that are basic to a more fullness and then expanding outwards are the things I will work on. Now since I can't change anything about your DAD I will also have to be more accepting of all his faults and he of mine - goodness actually I have know that for years and we still love each other!! Sometimes though I think he is getting more forgetful so I tell him to exercise that brain power and try to remember things for himself. He has been gearing up for a return to the work force and has been studying again. That maybe what he most likes to do in life because he sets his mind full bore on that accomplishment and I hear nothing out of him for hours. That brings me back to those dating days when he would forget he was to pick me up and call hours later to tell me he was studying and forgot the time!
Oh, except now he has added the ability to turn on the computer, navigate it somewhat and not let me use it! - except when he has pushed the wrong button and can't get what he wants! We both like the desk one and not the laptop since the keyboard and mouse are harder to use on the laptop.
Nothing much has changed here. We still have the missionaries over for District meeting and lunch on Thursdays. Dad has been informed that I will not necessarily continue the great meals that I have been cooking here at home, but on the other hand maybe I could only if--- how did Chris put that?
We have been fine with the heat here - we have not frozen as we have a few electric heaters spead around the apartment. It has been cold outside at time, the river is frozen and it has been fun this year to see the children out - they are pulled all over on the sleds. Just a cute young boy I saw while walking the river.
Was wondering if Kevin would like to go fishing?
A grandfather pulling the sled. This year there is snow so the sleds are out with all ages of children on them. I think it is a great way to get around in the UK.
We wish those who have birthdays the end of the month to have great ones.
Amanda, Jan. 18, to have the biggest one ever because this will be the last one she has without kids and once you add a child to your life nothing is ever the same again. You will soon find this out - but it is a good change and one that expands your love and understanding of life!
Alyssa, Jan 28th,and Kaylee , Jan 20th, are going to celebrate their eighth birthday. Hope you both have a big party because this is such a special one. We are excited that you both have decided to be baptized the first of February. What a great event that will happen in your lives- baptism. Sorry we will not be there but we know you both know that we love you and will be thinking about you and that you will have lots of other family members there to support you. Have a great day. Hope I have not missed any others BD. Here are your parents walking among all those fur coats - as Pres. said these people know the purpose of furs!
We also passed our year mark on the 7th. We are looking forward to seeing all of you again. The time is passing fairly rapid - school will be out soon and we will be home. We love you all. M&D, GM&GP, J&J
Posted by J and J at 7:31 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Maybe not!
Was planning on calling everyone but just went to the laptop and it seems totally down. Won't even turn on. The lights were flickering earlier but did not know if it affected the laptop. If any one knows what to do email us. Luv MOM
Posted by J and J at 1:07 PM 5 comments
Merry Christmas to All
It is the night before Christmas -- at least it is for us Americans who are in Ukraine. The Ukrainian Christmas is not till 7 January so we are in for a long 3 weeks of lots of time off, holidays and drinking. We will have the Elders in our District over tomorrow for the customary soups, games and maybe a film - or that may not be until New Year Day activities. Most of the snow has melted but some areas are still very slick and Dad slips and slides his way along. We have two couples coming up to watch the Christmas Special from a couple of years ago. Have the Wassail ready but that oven is giving me trouble again and the cake has been cooking for over an hour!
We are doing good. Keeping busy this week - helped out in the office on Monday and had Zone Conference yesterday so I actually was a little lazy today and did not give up at 6:30 like I did the first two days to get everything done. Friday we will travel to center again and maybe try to do a little post Christmas shopping - do you think they have such here. Did hear that the Spuss did have a sale after Christmas just don't know which Christmas.
I have learned a few more things here in Ukraine. Found out that beans can harbor bugs. Went to get out some white beans we had bought about a month ago and there were bugs in the sack with holes in the beans. I have kept beans in the panty for years at home and that never happened. So went to the internet and googled bugs in beans and sure enough it does happen. Usually found in old beans. Now my questions if that is an indication of old beans and the bugs come out when they hatch were they not in there to begin with? So do we eat them as larva - if I think to long on that I may never eat anything again. Also found bugs in the carrots. I thought those little holes were from maybe sticks that get stuck when harvested only to find a moving thing onse. Maybe it is best to use pesticides. Any way there are bugs abounding. We are doing good - will try to call everyone sometime on Christmas or the next day. Luv to all M&D, GM & GP, J&J
Posted by J and J at 9:19 AM 0 comments
Friday, December 12, 2008
Baby It's Cold Inside!1
The hot water has been turned off again in our apartment for the last 4 days. It is do to the "crisis" we are told. Even the PM here said she was without hot water! As we had our friends up when we heard this on the news they were all laughing and said that she "lied". They would not dare turn off any of the hot water in the Center area where all the politicians live and where the businesses are. However the hot water also controls the heat in the apartments and it is colder in here than it was last winter and the registers are cooler so they somehow must also control the heat by how hot the water is that flows through the pipes. We were to go downstairs last night to play games and about 20 minutes before we were to go down we had a knock on the door and it was them. They said it was to cold in their apartment so they came up - they live on the ground floor so it is colder. We fortunately have two units that are either heaters or air conditioners so we turn them on and in Sept. we bought a small space heater that can warm the place up. I just wonder how the children and the "older" citizens survive! They also said all the bills aren't getting paid so they will just give less money to the pensioners to pay the water bills. Oh, well life in Ukraine as usual.
We had a good trip to Bulgaria. For the most part the area was about the same. It did have mountains around the city as we flew in and Dad thought it reminded him of home. The streets are narrower and the buildiings not as tall and not as many but the litter is still there, the old paved streets, lots of cracks in the sidewalks and buildings with no outward care. We did enjoy the few days we were there. Stayed in a really nice hotel and actually had some KFC and even a Buger King hamburger.
We will not be traveling much the rest of the time here as we have been to all the countries except the Baltics. We continue with English and a few calls from the missionaries. Had a broken finger and foot, 2 different people, this week. Not much else. Which is good.
Hope things are going good at home. we know that there are a few trials but just rely on the Lord. We do love you all. May this Holiday be full of fun family times. Luv M&D
Posted by J and J at 10:20 PM 3 comments
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Christmas in Ukraine
Just a quick note to show you that we are ready for Christmas here in Ukraine. The ornaments are the ones the grandchildren will get for their next year's ornaments. Will be gone for the next 4 days so have a great weekend. PS. The tree is only about 3 ft. tall just wanted you to think it is big. Luv MOM
Posted by J and J at 8:07 AM 1 comments
Monday, December 1, 2008
Leaving Again - This time to Bulgaria!
This is the latest picture of your Mother and Dad having dinner with the RS General Board Member and the Primary Pres. They were touring the Ukraine Mission.
This is our District after the Thanksgiving meal. Forgot to take one before the meal. Elders Rupp, Hamilton, Trasdahl and Wahl. It was great to fix a meal for them since no family showed up for the day. One IOP teacher's mother and sister surprised her!!!
We are doing good. Hope this month is a White December for our Mission!! Remember the real purpose of this month and share what you have as much as you can. Teach the kids it is a great time to do service for others.
We will be going to Bulgaria on Friday to renew our Visa. A requirement that we have to do every year. So you can tell we are coming up on the year anniversary - 7 Jan. 2009!! Will stay a few extra days to give a presentation - that area is also in our assigned mission coverage. For the most part the mission has been relatively healthy. The missionaries must be following the rules - OBEDIENCE- does bring results and blessings. May you all find joy in this season - our tree is up. The lights have already burned out after one day!! Oh, as the saying goes - only in Ukraine. But it is up - hope your greatest desires come true as you remain valiant in your doings. Luv M&D, GM&GP
Posted by J and J at 5:08 AM 0 comments